Between: Embodiment & Identity (2012-2013)

(Somerset House East Wing – April 18th to June 30th 2012 then touring Brazil 2012-13)

“How do we define the ‘self’ in an age of increasing materiality?  The philosophical tensions between what we are and how we think, between human embodiment and identity, is being radically redefined by advances in anatomical knowledge and the brain sciences. At the same time, visual imaging techniques make this knew knowledge visible and explicit, conferring huge explanatory power onto digitized medical imagery. BETWEEN both celebrates the richness of such scientific research and presents works that collectively challenge technology’s entitlement to mediate form. Exhibiting together for the first time, and working in collaboration with King’s neurobiologist Dr Richard Wingate from the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, artists Susan Aldworth, Andrew Carnie and Karen Ingham present works that cross-reference contemporary science, digital imaging techniques, philosophy and the humanities, to explore emerging and enriched images of the Self.”

Click to download Catalogue:

Between Catalogue
